Tag: Hawkeye

  • The Amazing Spider-Man #673

    All good things, scratch that. All mediocre things must come to an end and we finally reach our end destination in the Spider Island story. To date I have been pretty critical but what would be the point if I just gushed over how amazing everything I read was? If people were honest, they would…

  • The Amazing Spider-Man #667

    First off, FUCK YEAH! In two minutes, they’ve done more to make me excited for this film than all the efforts of DC to get me happy for Batman vs. Superman. Well done. And perfectly made. It has enough to give you an idea of what is generally going on but doesn’t give so much…

  • The Amazing Spider-Man #666

    Another day in the life of Peter Park starts out with him swinging through town contemplating how life has changed for him. I liked how it goes back over his history of how he would inadvertently stumble onto a crime scene or have a crime fall into his lap. You get a sense of the…

  • The Avengers #176

    Starhawk arrives at the mansion and asks Iron Man why he was summoned. Iron Man gives him the Cliff’s Notes version of the story so far and enlists his help. When he’s done telling the story, Starhawk says something that’s on the mind of everyone reading the story by saying he feels the ultimate bad…

  • The Avengers #175

    The Avengers stare at the ash that was The Collector wondering about the powerful being that would be able to do something of this nature to another powerful being. For a moment some of the team thinks they are in danger but Iron Man points out that with a being that powerful, if that being…

  • The Avengers #174

    We start off with the team facing off against The Collector, the character most folks met for the first time in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie played by Benicio Del Toro. The Avengers tell him to let the other Avengers go which The Collector politely refuses to do. Battle ensues. I liked the little…

  • The Avengers #170

    Back to the Korvac saga! We see Captain America working out and Beast pops in to have a conversation with him. They talk a bit about an interaction that Cap had with the Scarlet Witch where she called him out for not contributing to the team. He’s playing the macho role of working out his…

  • The Avengers #168

    Comic book covers can be a lot like movie posters for sci-fi or fantasy epics from the 1980’s. The posters themselves kick all sorts of ass, giving you the impression that you are about to see some sort of wild epic that only your imagination could hold you back from. Then you get this. So…

  • The Avengers #223

    Summary: http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Avengers_Vol_1_223 The Good: Time to go to the circus with Clint Barton and Scott Lang. Hawkeye gets a letter from an old friend asking for his help. He arrives to find that his friend is being held hostage by The Taskmaster in order to use the circus that she owns as a training ground…

  • The Amazing Spider-man #86 Beware the Black Widow

    I love Black Widow. To me she’s one of the most fascinating characters in Marvel. NOT FOR THAT REASON!!! Ok, it helps. Anyway, Black Widow has a shadowy past that she’s making atonement. She started as a villain for the Soviet Union facing off against Iron Man with her henchman The Crimson Dynamo. A man…